Diana and her english

Monday, September 26, 2005

Public school or Private school?

Hello everybody

I think this topic is very interesting because,what do you prefer: public school or private school?.
When I was a child I went to private school and I think the level was good and the teachers get us individual attention. Later I went at public high school and I felt different I had more freedom, more level but the teachers don´t get me individual attention. This is my experience. Tell me your experience and your opinion, please.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both public and private schools.For example:I´ll start with public school:
Public Schools tend to have more services, and maybe the teachers have more qualifications,or what do you think?. In addition, Public schools offer more opportunities in terms of programs such as foreign languages, sports, music and the arts, etc. They have more teachers, more money, more space, and therefore more resources.
In contrast there are many drawbacks:
Public schools normally put as many kids in a class as they legally can and it is a problem and appear the behavioral problems.

The advantages of private schools are:

Private schools tend to have smaller teacher to student ratios and it is better for the child´s education and Private schools often do have sports outside of school as well, depending on the size of the school. One important point is the parent participation.

But there are many disadvantages, for example:Private schools are not required to use state curriculum, the teachers is less qualifications,private school are´nt free.

What do you think?
