Diana and her english

Monday, November 07, 2005


The film "Mona Lisa Smile" show the contrast between the woman in the past and the woman in the future. In the context of the film the last half of the nineteenth century born a though called Victorian ideals says that:
-The women should be more religious than men.
-The women should be pure of mind, heart and body.
-The women should live responding to the action and decisions of a men.
-Women´s live is in her home.

In contrast three main feminist movement born:
!. The suffrigistics:
These women want the right to vote.
2. The social feminist:
These women want the same oppurtunities to get a job.
3. The Radical Feminist.
The women offer a critist of American society, politists and economist.

What do you think? Women right have develloped or not?


Friday, November 04, 2005

Please María Jordano

Hello Maria! I need your help Please I need information about Tesol( me gustaría saber dónde puedo ehar la solicitud para ir el 12 de noviembre al colegio internacional edel TESOL) Por favor Send me an e-mail anadi_1785@hotmail.com